Some operators choose to create their own CNC machine. This can be successful, but many questions should be asked.
- How much does a person want to spend?
- How much time can be spend on creating machine?
- What type of projects need to be created?
- IS this machine for hobbyist or making money?
- What material will a person be using?
Different types of CNC Machines and Uses
3D Printer- additive layers upon layers to create product
- Materials used is plastic, metal, even food
- Low resolution printer is 2000, high is 2500 higher+
- Pretty easy to create with a kit
- Low time creation
Plasma Table- uses a torch to cut material away
- Cost- low if operator has steel in stock, high if materials are not already owned
- Difficulty medium – if experience with welding, an fabrication projects
- Time- Medium- bigger than a 3D printer
Milling Machine
- Medium to high cost because of CNC parts, and software purchase (CAD/CAM)
- Difficulty- High- must understand medium amount of manual machining
- Time- High unless kits/parts and plans are reordered.